
Making your kit as compact as possible

If you DJ regularly, you should make sure that your kit is as compact as possible. My previous setup consisted of 9 components, forgetting any of them or leaving them behind at a gig was easy and happened quite a few times. (Don't doubt it, it will happen to you, if you DJ regularly enough). It looks messy, is dangerous if you forget things, and increases the number of things that could go wrong with your setup.

To minimise these problems:

1) Reduce the number of components you need to DJ with. You can do this by a) Using internal HDs instead of external HDs, or b) using an external bus powered HD without a PSU. There are other options too, of course.

2) Bring along backup kit. Yes really. If you have a complete backup solution in your car boot, you're sorted for just about any problems.

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